
(be sure to watch it in HD)

i finally put together a little video of my time spent in tanzania, africa. i was there for six weeks with my best friend alexis. we spent our time volunteering at an orphanage and primary school. it was a really crazy experience and i will have to share some of the many crazy stories later. at the end of the video i put "for king". the director of our orphanage & our host family, had 8 month old twins (king & queen). on our 3rd day in tanzania, king passed away from pneumonia. i miss all these kids so much. i wish i could squeeze them all. i'm sad i don't have more footage from my time in africa, but it really just wasn't safe for me to have my camera out so this is just a little glimpse of it all. those kids are amazing.


1 comment

  1. Majestic video. You can tell those kids are so beautiful inside and out. And super cool animals around too. So glad you chose to go!
