pacific coast highway pt.II

our next stop on route 1 was mcway falls. so so so beautiful. but also a serious bummer that they don't let you go down to the beach. can you believe how beautiful those ocean blues are?? reminds me of hawaii.
our next stop along route 1 was at the elephant seal sanctuary. um wow. so many seals. i was surprised at how entertained we were with watching them all bark at each other, sun bathe, and snuggle with one another.
aren't they so cute!?
i was surprised with how cold it was in california, i mean it was june?!
you know you're ready for marriage when you still love your significant other after 17 hours in the car together ;) seriously though, kenneth is the best road trip buddy. he knows i hate driving for a long time and he's a champ and drove the majority of it. we spent a lot of hours in the car together this summer. and they're some of my favorite memories.

with warmth & love, 

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