hello past, present & future.

it's weird how time changes. it really freaks me out sometimes when i think about it. 
it's weird that i made my first best friend in kindergarten, and we're still friends to this day. 
it's weird that people have come in and out of my life.
it's weird that i fell in love at 17 and now i'm 19?
it's weird that i'm 19.
it's weird that i haven't even lived 1/4 of my life.
it's weird that i've changed so much.
it's weird... all weird. 
i don't even know if weird is the right word. i just know that things are different. high school flew by. college is flying by even faster. we're all growing up so fast. it's weird that within the next five years i'll probably be engaged or married...? ah who knows... it's weird that i'll be done with college and begin a career? what happened to the days in elementary school where a career was just a dream. just simple dreams of being an astronaut, firefighter, veterinarian, rock star, and doctor. simple dreams from my past about hopes for my future. and they are all now my present
i don't want to look back on these years with regrets. what's the rush to grow up and become mature? sure it's important... i guess. everyone's telling us that these are the years that we need to grow up. but ya know what, these are also our last years to enjoy being immature. i'm sick of the rush to makes so many important decisions. i just want to live in a treehouse with my best friends for the rest of my life. being silly, eating candy, and playing night games.
can't we just color outside the lines forever?


1 comment

  1. omg i freaking loved that last line. 'cant we just color outside the lines forever?'
    seriously. so great. :)
