hello help.

alright, seriously i need some help. i do not ramble endlessly on this blog for my own purpose. so please read, digest, and comment. because even though i'm sure you all love my random babbling about anything and everything, sometimes i need some feed back.
so i'm really having a hard time right now with my major. one minute i'm dead set on one thing, the next i want to go in an entirely new direction. last semester i went into college half set on art and half set on education. i ended the semester 90% set on education. now i'm starting the semester and i'm like 15% set on education? helpppp. i'm craving art. design. fashioin. i don't know what to do with my life. event planning? that would be cool. photographer? sweet. decorating? fo sho. interior design? who freaking knows. 

so if you're reading this, please offer me some career options because i need the help. here are some random things about me to help you in your feedback.
-i love photography. mainly people.
-i like making crafty things, like invites would be cool? or just the random little nick-nacks they have at parties and weddings, etc. 
-planning. i'm a planner. i can see a big picture and then design it. i love elaborating on that type of stuff.
-shopping. love it. especially for home stuff. 
-teaching. i was all for it, but i'm not so sure anymore. i love little kids. but i think i would love teaching high school because i love talking to people and relating to others.
-the american cancer association. i'm all about. i want to do something with it. i'm not talking like a doctor, i'm talking about helping out with relay for life or something?

okay people, let's help me come up with a career. much appreciated


  1. interior design or photography definitely.
    you should do something you love!
    i did fashion design and im so glad i did because if i went to school for something else i wouldnt have done anything else with it!
    and with one of those under your belt you can have a career with one of them or even expand to a party planner or something fabulous!
    and you can always do crafty things and sale them on the side.
    and volunteer for relay for life.
    i mean its a lot on your plate but your young and should do what you love!
    with just teaching you might feel tied down to one thing.
    ok im done.
    love you :)

  2. Oh boy- You sound like me, but notice I am graduated from College. haha I still want to be an interior designer, photographer and event planner.. oh I want to do hair too. bahah So I guess what I am getting to is I am the wrong person to give advice. BUT do what you want. I didn't know what I wanted till after I graduated. Now I really wish I took photographer courses and at least got a minor in it so that I was more knowledgeable of the topic. Interior design also takes a lot of classes to know about (LDS Business College has a good Interior Design program I have heard just FYI) I also wanted to be a teacher- but then someone bore their testimony on how hard the major was and it changed my mind- BUT also something I wish I stuck to. So it just comes down to do what you really want to do, and think long term! Take classes you WANT to learn about- I didn't take full advantage of that in school and I really regret it! Ok that was a long comment with really no point to it- SORRY hahah I am no help!

  3. I think you should do what you love. Yes, you love all of it, but just incorporate it all into your life. You could help plan events and things like that for the Cancer Association - and also, a lot of times, you dont have to major in something to get a job in something you want. I think youre amazing at fashion and plannin so combine the two? And of course photography can just be a part time thing, cuz you make your own hours. Anywho i totally had this crisis last semester and all of last year haha. Dont worry - youll figure it out :)

  4. goodness gracious I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! thank you for your advice!!! :)
