hello one day.

tonight i stayed in with my sweet parents.
we snuggled up on the couch and turned on a movie.
drank some hot chocolate and called it a
good time. the movie we watched? 
life in a day.
super great and i highly recommend it. it's all about
video submissions from different people around the world,
all filming their daily life on one day. july 24th, 2010.

and so this movie got me thinking. . .
i think everyone is guilty of lacking an understanding for
other cultures. and once we can understand it, there will
be peace. i honestly believe that. but people don't care
to understand and learn. and that's why there is so much
conflict in our world. 

i want to understand. i want to learn. i want to travel and
explore. gain the knowledge. i want to live deep
i want to help. i want to serve. i want to be at peace
with myself. and help others too find peace. 



  1. I worship this movie! I watch it on netflix all the time :) movie party when we get back!

  2. this is simply fantastic.

    will i cry watching this? i cry easily in movies. for instance, i shed multiple (maybe thousands) of tears in We Bought A Zoo.

    put that on our lists of things we have in common.

    love you.
