hello thankfulness.

thanksgiving is next week, which is always a time that makes me think of family. this year more than ever. i really wish i could go home next week like everyone else, and spend the time with the ones i love. it does hurt when i see all my friends commenting on each others walls about how excited they are to see each other and how much fun they're going to have because i just wish i could be apart of it. i'm happy that they can all be together, i really am. but it makes me so upset when they don't take the time out of their days to be together. when they let other things get in the way of them all hanging out. but they don't understand. now that i'm gone, i think about how many opportunities i would take to see them. and it's frustrating to see them take advantage of those moments. but like i said earlier, it's not their faults because they don't understand and they won't until they don't have the option to be with the ones they love. but there's no point in being really sad about it all because i can't change it. so i just sit back and smile through the pain because at the end of the day i'm still grateful for so much. i'm still grateful that i have my wonderful friends, even if i can't physically be with them. i'm still grateful for my amazing family, i love them so much. so i'm smiling because i get to see all these amazing people in 1 month. in fact, in 29 days i will be stepping onto an airplane and in exactly 30 days i will be wrapped up in the arms of the people that mean the most to me. I CANNOT FREAKING WAIT. 
so in honor of thanksgiving coming up soon i'm going to list the things that i'm grateful for each day :)

today, i am grateful for so much.
i'm grateful to have a telephone that works so i can talk to my family and friends.
i'm grateful for the wonderful weather we had today and that i was able to go to the beach and get a small sun burn.
i'm grateful for a blog to allow me to express my thoughts, feelings, and opinions.
i'm grateful for apple customer service, and that they can help me fix my computer.
i'm grateful to have people that truly care about me. 

think about what you're grateful for this week and remember to be thankful for it :)

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