hello gobble, gobble.

it's that time of the year again. a time to remember how blessed we all truly are! 
it's funny how much things change. i never used to be that fond of thanksgiving. that sounds horrible, but it just wasn't the best holiday in my mind. the only reason was because it was always the longest day, and it was always hectic going over to my cousins house. but this year was the first year i didn't get to do any of our normal traditions and it was really sad honestly. thanksgiving has become my second favorite holiday (behind christmas of course). i took everything for granted when i was home. everything. now that i'm away i would give anything to be sitting with my family, annoyed at them haha. i didn't watch the macy's day parade with my family. i didn't help my mom cut the holes on the bag for the turkey. i didn't procrastinate going to my cousins house with my dad and sister and make us late like we always are. i didn't make a chain out of paper strips listing the things i was thankful for. i didn't play random games with my younger cousins. i didn't eat my mom's famous rolls. i didn't hide in the car with my dad from the loudness of our family after dinner. i didn't roll my eyes with my sister over how annoying some of the things my dad says can be. i didn't go to the lighting of the macy's christmas tree at lenox with neelam or anyone else. i didn't drink hot chocolate. i didn't end the night sitting by the fire. i didn't listen to christmas music at the end of the day. i didn't hug the ones i love and whisper in their ears how grateful i am for them. our traditions <3 
these are the moments i live for. the moments i miss so much. it killed me to not be home this year. but it made me so much more humble and grateful for life. 
this thanksgiving i woke up and went surfing with some friends. i made a drumstick and turkey out of the sand and wrote happy thanksgiving in the sand. i buried our friend and drew feathers coming out of his head to look like an indian. i came home and made cinnamon rolls by myself. i watched tv for a few good hours. my friends came over and we attempted to make a thanksgiving dinner. we didn't have a turkey because we had no clue how to make one. we had microwaveable chicken strips. we made a mess of our kitchen and learned very quickly that none of us can cook. we watched a christmas movie on tv afterwards. they left. i cleaned up. i went to bed. it definitely wasn't home. but ya know what, it was new. all of us were homesick, but all of us didn't admit it. we all put on a smile and made the best of the day with our new friends. because that's all you can do really. 

i'm being forced to grow up here. but sometimes we need that extra push. i've learned to keep to myself a lot here. which is hard for me cause i hate keeping everything inside. i guess that's one reason why i love blogging because i can get things out. the only person that really hears me complain or being upset is my mom haha. the day before thanksgiving was the hardest. i was on the phone with my mom and sister for a few good hours. just crying haha. i'm adult now. yet the only thing i kept thinking as i curled up on my bed, holding onto my stuffed animal was "i want my mommy". what the heck?! i shouldn't think that, i'm too old right? nawtt. all i wanted was to lay on my couch at home, having my mom hold me and hug me. 
i miss hugs. more than anything. i miss seeing at least one person every day that loves you and will hug you so tight. but ya know what, thanksgiving came, and it left. the anticipation of knowing that i wasn't going to be home was far worse than the actual day. if anything, i've just become a lot more grateful for everything i have. to those who are reading this and are still home. don't take for granted those moments. we grow up too fast, and things change. so enjoy the time you have now, before it's gone. i didn't realize that my last thanksgiving would be my last one at home probably. 

i'm so grateful for my family. i love them so much. i'm so grateful for my amazing friends. i'm grateful for my sweet puppy. i'm grateful for technology so that i can talk to everyone back home on the phone. i'm grateful that my friends can leave me funny videos on facebook that make my days. i'm grateful for the beauty of this earth that god made. i'm grateful for new friends that i've made. i'm grateful for a home, a bed, food, money. i'm grateful to have people that love me. i'm grateful to know what love feels like. i'm grateful for life. so grateful. college has definitely humbled me and made me a more giving person i think. may we all take time out of our days to thank those in our lives. i hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving :) gobble, gobble! guess what's next....


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