hello laie.

so i pretty much love this place.
whats not to love?
every time i'm feeling homesick i just step outside and i can't help but feel better and grateful that i live here.
one thing i'm not grateful for however... jellyfish. 
after class on friday i ventured off with 3 friends to chinaman's hat. it's an island that you can normally walk all the way out to if the tide is low. however, it's all reef so it hurts to walk on unless you have shoes and we didn't have shoes so we ended up swimming the whole way. everyone says that sharks circle around it so the entire time we are swimming out there i am so paranoid that i'm about to get eaten. not even thinking of any other creatures that live in the ocean and then bam, i got stung by a jellyfish. more specifically the man o' war, or blue bubble. it stung me on my pinky finger. i don't handle pain well and it killed. my finger swelled up, it started shaking, turned a lovely shade of red/pink, and stayed like that for the next 6 hours. it was fun. 
but minus the fact that i now know i'm slightly allergic to jellyfish and that next time i need to get someone to pee on my finger, it was a great experience. 
once we got to the island we hiked all the way to the top and we could look out on this beautiful island of oahu. 

jellyfish, i hate you. 
oahu, i love you. 


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