I'm A Frog Murderer

so sorry but my blog and instagram feed are basically going to become a shrine of the ocean.... whoops. incase you didn't know, i love the beach. but for real. i think there's a major healing power that comes from the ocean and i'm all about it.

so far my least favorite thing about florida are the freaking frogs. yes... frogs. who knew that was a thing? so every time it rains (which is basically every day) and there are puddles in our grass from all the rain.. the frogs just love to chill out there at night (like are they nocturnal?) and get their groovy thang on and just scream all night long. and it's actually the loudest thing you've ever heard and we have to put 2 fans on to try and drain out the noise. yes... it's that loud. in hawaii.. it was the roosters. you would think roosters would crow in the early morning. no. wrong. try 1am... 3am... 5am... 11am... 12pm... 4pm... basically any time of the day. also if you've never been to hawaii, you're probably like wait what? there are roosters in hawaii? oh yeah... wild roosters and chickens roaming around. 

so yeah.. frogs have been my enemy lately.

but then this morning when i opened our front door to go outside i was horrified to see a smushed, dead frog in our door frame! i guess sometime yesterday when we were walking in, a frog climbed up in the crack of where the door opens and the door frame and kenneth or i shut it and killed it. and i actually feel AWFUL. seriously i hate these frogs... but i feel so so so bad. i'm a frog murderer and i can't stop thinking about it.

..... insert cringing face here ......

in other news, this weekend marks the 450th birthday of st. augustine. woot woot! they have lots of events going on all weekend long but kenneth and i's schedules are so all over the place i'm not sure if we'll get to attend anything together. but either way it's fun to be around. they had a concert by the beach the other night and tonight on my walk i could see some fireworks going off. this place is really starting to grow on me... even the frogs too i guess.

happy labor day weekend everyone! hope you do something fun xoxo.

1 comment

  1. Chris and I watched Exodus: Gods and Kings last night, and there's a part where there's a plague of frogs and it's crazy! So that's what I'm picturing for Florida right now haha. Hopefully there's no cockroaches at least! It's nice that there's not many creepy crawlers in Alaska, but the daddy long legs are moving into the house now to seek warmth, and I don't like them inside.
