hello nude beach.

yeah. as if the title doesn't already say enough.
let me tell you all a little story.

saturday i went adventuring around the island. 

i begin wandering at this beach that i haven't been to before by diamond head.

walking along the shore i was enjoying the beauty of this island; taking pictures, watching the surfers, same old, same old.

and then...
i see an older guy on the beach in a speedo. 
(mmm.. awk.)
keep walking.
i see another guy... in a speedo.
keep walking.
another guy. in a speedo.
(okay what the heck.. this is weird)
keep walking.
two guys.. together.. both in speedos.
keep walking.
another guy, laying on the beach... NO speedo.
turn my head down and keep walking.

what the heck did i get myself into? 
yup. so i kept walking and continued to see older men in speedos.. or not in speedos.
and then i reached an area that had people fully clothed again and as i turned around to walk back to where the car was, i braced myself and turned my head down and i saw this...
yup... my thoughts exactly.
apparently i wandered onto an undeclared nude/gay beach.
quite the experience i must say.
how was your saturday?


  1. ha! have you seen the TBAY thong man yet? he is so tan with the most sculpted body ever.

    1. haha oh gosh i have not yet!! i have however seen the hula hoop, pink hair lady at tbay haha, too good.
