hello talent.

so this weekend was filled with fun adventures. friday night i kayaked out to chinaman's hat (which is a small island), had a swell bon fire, and slept under the stars (which i might add i thought i was going to freeze to death by about 3am...). But besides the most comfortable sleep ever on those comfy rocks... it was really fun! that morning we woke up and got to watch the sunrise. however, the tide rose in the middle of the night and washed away our friends kayak... yeahh, fail. so after my first experience spear fishing in the morning, we somehow managed to get all our stuff back across the ocean while swimming to shore. it was quite the adventure. well, some other fun shtuff happened but i don't really feel like blogging about it. what i really want to blog about is my new friend. devin graham.

tonight i hung out with some friends and we made brinner (breakfast for dinner, which is my absolute favorite). i met this kid, devin. he makes these amazing videos with different ideas he comes up with. i sat down and talked to him about it all, asking him different questions i had for probably 2 hours straight. i loved every second of it. hearing him talk about it all and how he got to where he is now is really inspiring to me. as you know, my plan is to major in photography. which i'll be honest sometimes it's discouraging because i feel like there's so much more i can do with photography but i haven't figured it all out yet. but devin kept telling me how if you want something, he believes you have to put all your efforts into it and make it happen. don't let anything stand in your way. if you want it, you will get it. 

he went to school for film but he actually didn't get his degree, but he's still got so much going for him. he's made some sweet connections and i know he's going to go really far, very soon. he just got back from tahiti shooting for 15 days. different company's are seeing his work from youtube and using it. the state of hawaii even hired him to make a video showing off the island. i would bet money that we will one day be paying to watch one of his movies at the theater. his talent is extraordinary. but his desire is even greater. he even offered to help me with some of my camera stuff and send me links that he's used for helpful material. 

well pretty much, you just need to watch his videos. there's no point in me rambling on about them, just watch them. plus, it'll give you a great feel for where i live since a lot of them are shot here in hawaii with byuh students. i told him my two ideas for his next movies should be a food fight or a paint fight. so if he ends up making them, you know who is to be credited for them haha. anyways, he's a sweet kid and i'm definitely inspired to do what i love with photography. 

do what you love. love what you do.

subscribe :) my favorites are the tarp surfing and the bike jumping. oh and the break dancing to classical music.. haha okay i just love them all.



  1. aim showed me all those vids over christmas break. and i just watched the one he did on the tarp surfing adventure a couple weeks ago. he is sick. i am amazed.

  2. haha guys lets not get devin's head tooooo big now. okay fine.. yes he's crazy talented. it's insane.

  3. Awesome!! I made your blog!!! Finally!! About time! And yes Amy, you were right, because of this blog, I'm definitely gonna let it get to my head! :)
