
a few weeks ago i found myself star gazing, camera by my side, and so i snapped a few pictures of the majestic sky above. i've always loved the stars. i think part of that is because they humble me in realizing how much bigger life is. and although i find myself feeling minuscule beneath the enchanting sky, i also in a weird way, feel not so alone. how one star, individually, isn't that amazing to view. but rather, together they make up something magical. 

they remind me that there is a great God above because despite the materialized world we live in, i know that no one could ever create something so beautiful besides the creator himself. 

i also feel this enticing connection to loved ones who have left this life with the stars. as if they know the greater beauty beyond our limited sight and that they are smiling and twinkling down on us, excited for us to one day join them in a place that is far more grand than the incomplete view we see now. 

we are made up of stars. so i feel connected. and excited for that glorious exploration that lies ahead in eternity. what a marvelous adventure that will be. 

not quite sure if any of what i wrote makes any sense to anyone else. the thoughts in my mind are on a constant marathon. i'm trying to write them down more to get it all un-jumbled. 

with warmth & love,

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