pacific coast highway pt.I

at the beginning of june kenneth and i flew into northern california (where his sister renee lives) and stayed with them for a few days before driving down to southern california for our wedding. we decided it would be fun to drive route one down the coast of california because we heard it was one of those drives you have to do sometime in your life. they were right. it was so beautiful.
we decided to be a little crazy and do the entire drive in one day. it was one long day, but so worth it.
 so we woke up bright and early and left colfax around 6am. our first stop was at monterey bay. such a charming little town. we walked along the pier at fishermans wharf to see tons of sea lions. i mean a ton! we just sat and watched them bark at each other and swim around. we were pretty amused. loved this charming fisherman's city.
 the thing i loved the most about driving with kenneth (well besides the fact that he drives the majority of it on road trips so i don't have to) is that he will stop anytime i say "oh that looks cool!" and he will immediately pull over so i can take a picture. sure do love that he never gets annoyed at me for all my picture taking. he's even a good sport when i try and take pictures of him.
 we would find pretty spots, pull over, and explore. i find it hard to believe that this is california. it felt like we were in the rolling hills of scotland or ireland (not that i've ever been there so i really have no clue if they look alike, it's just what i picture in my head). also, i almost stepped on a snake a few minutes after this picture was taken… yikes.
 the whole day the weather was constantly changing which made for some really beautiful scenery. i felt like we got really lucky and got to see what the californa coast looked like in rain, clouds, fog and sunshine.
really beautiful. i definitely think everyone needs to make the drive sometime in their life! 
i'll post pictures from the rest of our drive tomorrow 

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