hello awesome.

so i'm currently reading an awesome book. 
wait, like it really is awesome. 
and by that i mean the book is called, the book of awesome by neil pasricha. 
and i think it has become my all time, favorite book, ever.

it's a book of 1000 awesome things in life. they are all simple things, that just make your day so much better. it's just awesome. and every time i read this book i can't help but just smile or laugh because it is all so true.
if you're a little confused on what's in it, i'll elaborate. awesome things that when they happen, make your day a little better:
eating a free sample of something you have no intention of buying
perfectly toasted toast
peeling that thin plastic film off of new electronics 
finding your keys after looking forever 
hitting a bunch of green lights in a row
finding out your birthday is on a friday or saturday next year
when you're awkwardly standing by yourself with a full cafeteria tray of food and suddenly spot your friend waving at you
when you get the milk-to-cereal ratio just right
squeezing through a door as it's shutting without touching it
waking up and realizing it's saturday
remembering what movie that guy is from 
perfectly popped microwave popcorn 
returning to your warm and comfy bed after getting up to pee in the middle of the night 
seeing a cop on the side of the road and realizing you're going the speed limit anyway 
stress level goes up.
stress level goes down.

don't tell me you just read that list and didn't smile? 

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