hello TOMs.

april 5th, 2011 
one day without shoes.

personally, i love TOMs and the company they've created. i heard about TOMs back when i was in middle school and i really loved what they were trying to do.
short and simple, for every pair of shoes you buy, TOMs will donate a pair to a child in need. 
and once a year they host one day without shoes to spread awareness to others. so today i joined in TOMs movement and hit it up barefoot. i was pleased to see other people around campus walking around barefoot as well. 

*my TOMs were designed and painted by the lovely brittany jana prince
short and simple i love companies that find something they're passionate about and make it into something others can be passionate about as well. i'm really tempted to apply to be an intern for TOMs but i need to look more into it first. 
for me, i'm really passionate about the american cancer society and relay for life. i remember how awesome i felt after putting on miss panache last year and raising so much money purely off of peoples donations. i was able to share a glimpse of my passion to others and the fact that it was able to spark the passion of someone else is the most gratifying thing ever. 
find something you're passionate about and pursue it. 


  1. did you take those pictures? They are so cool!!

  2. yes i did, out on bikini beach! thanks laurs! <3
