Labor Free

for labor day kenneth and i both had the day off (which never happens!) and as much as we wanted to get out and explore, we also just wanted to be lazy and relax haha. so we did a little of both. it's crazy to believe that we have been here for a month now! time is flying by. i no longer have to google how to get to the grocery store and target (priorities). but there is still just so much that i have to learn about this new place. i definitely miss knowing your way around. when i moved to hawaii, i felt like there was always someone that had been there longer than you and could tell you all the things to do and see and here i'm just like... umm hi, can i hire someone to be my tour guide?

labor day weekend was also the 450th anniversary of our city! i guess we picked a good time to move. so all weekend long they had lots of celebrations going on. mostly an ongoing concert series downtown. saturday night they had a huge firework show but instead of going downtown to watch it, we walked out to the beach and could still see it all from afar, just kenneth and i, which was nice.

on monday we explored some of the festivities that they still had going on. they even had a birthday cake and were passing out free cake to everyone. free cake = my kind of party. downtown is filled with the cutest little shops and i've definitely made some notes of places i want to go back to. 

but the highlight of the day was when we grabbed little caesars (their crazy bread is my weakness) and came home and watched that 70s show on repeat. nothing like a relaxing day off to get you recharged for the week.

hope you all were labor free, xo.

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