my best friend left today... neeshy... i miss her and it's only been a few hours.
i pathetically walked to school after i said goodbye to her and just cried.
i walked home and cried. and i laid in her empty bed and cried.
so maybe i'm being a little emotional right now, so bare with me.
we've been through a lot together. especially this semester.
she was the first person i saw, hugged, and cried to after i got my heart broken.
she is the girl that shake weighted it with me.
she's the one that inspires me to be a better peacebuilder every day.
she's the one that spent so many nights, laying in my bed and hugging me as i cried.
and some nights i was hugging her as she cried.
she's the one that taught me how to surf and got me my board and danced around the living room with it.
she's the one that supported me during the weekends i wanted to be sad and just watch netflix.
and she's the one that pushed me to get out of my bed and be happy.
she's the one that my mom loves because she tries to get me to eat my vegetables.
but she's also the friend that is always down for mcdonalds ice cream cones and big macs.
she's the friend that understands why the oc, laguna beach, and the hills are all so good.
she puts up with me when i catch fish in the canal and bring them to her.
or when i call her nickel.
she's the friend that has a common love for dressing up in a gorilla costume.
she is supportive. kind. caring. funny. weird. and everything else in between.
but mostly she's just my best friend. and the last 4 months would have been impossible without her.
i'm lucky because i know i'll always have her as my best friend.
right now i'm just a sad because i wish that meant she was still my roommate, and right here.
and it's scary because i don't know exactly when i'll see her again.
but again, i'm lucky and blessed because we'll always be best friends.
not too many people have all of that.
with warmth & love,