hello stranger.

ohh hello friends, it's been quite awhile. and i have been quite horrible at blogging. my apologies. 
well i know i left you all on that anticipation of knowing what i got on my final and if it was worthy enough of the testing center computers approval... i know you guys were just dying to know.
well.. i studied for hours on end. i felt ready. i took it. felt like i did good. turned it in. 
then i painfully awaited outside searching for my ID number to see what i got and if i had the wonderful words of encouragement next to my score. 
found my ID number.
i got a 90%.
i got an A.
and apparentlyyyy an A isn't good enough. but rather you have to get a 91 or higher to get a 
great job!

freaking. pissed.
my poor roommates didn't hear the end of my ranting and yelling about how corrupt the testing center computer is. i wasn't even happy that i got an A or that i passed my final because i was so caught up on the fact that i didn't get congratulated by the stupid testing center. 

proud to report to you all that 2 months later, i think i've calmed down about it all... well, some what.

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