hello my new life.

seriously, i love it here. it is beautiful. everyone is so kind. i wish i could just bring all of my friends out here with me to enjoy it all. but i'm not going to lie, i have been missing home. who wouldn't??
i miss wendy's frosty's and fries. 
i miss steak n' shake.
i miss shopping.
i miss a home cooked meal.
i miss my family
i miss my friends
i miss my dog.
i miss my own room.
i miss fall/winter.
i miss hugs.
i miss southern comfort.

you don't realize how much you would miss georgia and the south until you're out of there. it really is home and there really is nothing like home. 
but ill be home in 10 weeks and i will soak in and love every minute of it!

as for my current state here in hawaii, it's pretty wonderful. even when i do get homesick stepping outside and realizing where i am really does help. this past weekend i climbed stairway to heaven. it's a ladder that stretches from the bottom to the top of the tallest mountain on oahu. and it's illegal. haha. it's a bit dangerous and an extremely tough hike. there is a guard on duty from 5am-3am so there's about a 2 hour gap in the early hours of the morning where you have to sneak over to climb it. our journey began about 10pm friday night and we got zero sleep. climbing up the ladder was DEATH. i go to the gym. i'm not a total bum. but this kicked my butt for real. a few people in our group didn't finish because it seriously was just so exhausting. at points it is completely vertical and there is no ground beneath you so if you miss a step... lets just say you don't want to miss a step. and it's metal so towards the top it was slippery because of the moisture from the clouds. but i must admit, when we got to the top it was completely worth it. we saw the sunrise over the entire island and it was beautiful. i will never do it again, but i'm totally glad i did it at least once. 
i think that's another thing i love about being here, i get to do exciting things. i feel like other places the typical weekend consists of the same old parties. which don't get me wrong that's way fun as well. but you're only young once and i'm glad i'm taking advantage of every second of it. 
as for the rest of my life it's going well, just taking it one day at a time and being strong. 
1 corinthians 13: 4-8 


1 comment

  1. Oh my gosh! I climbed stairway to heaven too! It was seriously sooo scary and dangerous. but like you said... TOTALLY worth it. You miss Georgia now, but once you get back to Georgia, you are going to miss Hawaii! so soak it up while you can :)
